I prep, I cook,I ANALYZE

I’ve been cooking for almost as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I would visit my grandmother every summer, and loved eating everything she and my other family would cook. I would even ask to help and become a part of some of my favorite meals. Then, I didn’t know much about cooking and how what you put in affected what you got out. Now I do.

I’m not classical trained, but I know when something is good or not. Watching others cook, whether they be family in person or professionals soon the internet, definitely taught me the essentials of making good food. On top of that, reading cook books, like Samin Nosrat’s Salt Fat Acid Heat, and applying the principles from them certainly gave me a better eye for a well done recipe.

I wanted to share my experience in the kitchen with more people and give them a heads up on whether a recipe is worth making or not. At the end of the day, If I save you from wasting a few dollars and couple hours, I think you spending a couple minutes reading one of my reviews is well worth it.
